分类: 算法

SRM657 DIV1 Problem Sets

原题链接:Problem Sets

Cat Snuke came up with some problems. He wants to construct as many problem sets as possible using those problems. Each problem set must contain exactly three problems: one for the Easy slot, one for the Medium slot, and one for the Hard slot. Each problem can only be assigned to a single slot in a single problem set. He came up with E + EM + M + MH + H problems in total. The distribution of the problems is as follows:

  • E problems can only be used in the Easy slot.
  • EM problems can be used either in the Easy slot or the Medium slot.
  • M problems can only be used in the Medium slot.
  • MH problems can be used either in the Medium slot or the Hard slot.
  • H problems can only be used in the Hard slot.

Return the maximal number of problem sets he can construct.


这题在思路上还是有点意思的,按照题意直接从输入推到输出我感觉也是可以的,我想了一个自然的贪心策略(按照直觉推算Problem Sets的数量),但是Case太多了,编码起来太繁琐,故抛弃。

有意思的是如果把这个问题反转一下,提出判定问题:给定想要的Problem Sets的数量,能否用这些给定的题目来构成呢?不难发现,这个问题是非常简单解决的,只要所给的题目能够在E、M、H三个Slot中都放置目标数量个题目即可。那么,在判定问题的基础上,我们可以直接在long long的范围内做二分查找来寻找最终解,附上代码: